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Contact us

Company name: Ansteel Machinery Development Private Enterprise Machinery Factory

Anshan Shuangxing Galvanizing Co., Ltd

Contact: Shen Taisheng


Tel.: 0412-8812449

Q Q:1481198998

Postal code: 114000

Email: bestgalvanizing@163.com

Website: www.agxinguo.com

Plant site: Ansteel plant

Office address: No. 111, Ximinsheng Road, Tiexi District, Anshan, Liaoning

Company products

Current position: Home >> Products >> Company products
The Design Institute of Ansteel Machinery Development Private Enterprise Machinery Factory has the technical force to design the hot-dip galvanizing production line and manufacture modern hot-dip galvanizing production line equipment. Tel.: 0412-8812449
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